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Contact Us

Have a question?  Here is some contact information to help!

If you have a question about the program, trips, uniforms, times, dates, or other general info, please contact the family reps first. They work with the directors and can probably answer any questions for you. 


Family Reps


Band Rep - Karen Morse and Phyllis Fletcher -

Jazz Band Rep - Jenn and Larry Fosnick-Davis -

Choir - Tara Roth -

Orchestra - Connie Kelleher -

Theatre - Edie Bishop -


General Questions

Reach out to the Ballard Performing Arts Board 


President - Cynthia Kemp -

VP  - <Open Position> -

Secretary - Molly Brown -


Fundraising Chair - Stephanie Skinner -

Sponsorships Chair - Nathan Hartman -

Online/paper payments - Jay Jameson -

ASB Balances -

Weekly enews -

Webmaster - Gina Craig -


Program Directors

Band - Mr. Gillespie

Choir - Ms. Rowley

Orchestra - Mr. Valdez

Theater - Ms. Miller



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